Here comes the tears, but like always I let them go

Den här videon är för alla oss som inte har biljett till Tallest man on earth som spelar två utsålda spelningar på Södra teatern i helgen. Följande fick jag höra från min kamrat som fick min biljett till Glasgow spelningen:

"He was brilliant, he played for well over an hour with songs from both albums and comfortably filled a whole arch standing. He came on more than half an hour early so by the time we sorted the unnecessary mess with the tickets and got in he'd already started, but I made it in time to hear my favourite, 'Thousand Ways', but the best response from the crowd was definately for 'The Gardener' which I then bought after the gig! From what i could hear, he was very charismatic and at ease with the crowd, and his English is exceptional as you would expect, but he starts his sentences very clearly when he's talking and tails off into a mumble, meaning you couldn't always hear what he was saying but those near front seemed to be laughing so he must be worth listening to! Really can't thank you enough"


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